The Twelve Mysterious Passes of Silvio Manuel and Juan Tuma

And for desktop or mobile browser users who can't view the images here's this DIRECT (ONLINE) HTML (WITH ANIMATING GRAPHICS) and a DOWNLOAD PAGE for offline viewing

I personally think these are some of the FUNNEST magical passes you can do. They have a different feel than other's I've tried.  Source:  ; backup contained no text or images, (there were only six graphics on the original page). Also, here's a page with very slightly different descriptions :

"Silvio Manuel and Juan Tuma were two sorcerer shamans of the generation that preceded the one of Carlos Castaneda, Carol Tiggs, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelar.  Silvio Manuel was a dancer and an acrobat. Together with Juan Tuma, also  a shaman, they had a set of twelve magical passes which they danced. To them, each and every pass was a gateway to exquisite states of being.

The Twelve Mysterious Passes of Silvio Manuel and Juan Tuma are simple yet remarkable movements. Each and every one of them represents a certain intent that propels the practitioner into inconceivable states of awareness.

1. Grisly Bear Run:  Bend over at the waist, keeping the stomach muscles tight to relieve stress on the lower back. The hands dangle straight down from the shoulders. Jog in place, only lifting the feet 6 inches or so.

grisley bear run

2. Kicking sideways with the knee and heel:  Lift the left knee as high as you can and bring the knee forcefully to the right, pivoting on the planted right foot. Put both feet back on the floor and mirror.

kicking sideways

3. Kicking the buttocks:  This one resembles the old dance step -- the body leans forward as if running very fast, but stay in place as the legs kick backwards. The arms swing naturally as if running.

4.  Assessing the situation:  Right foot steps behind the left, the left foot lifts off the floor but falls back into same spot it lifted from. Now the right foot returns to its original position. Now mirror. Use the arms to keep a graceful, natural rhythm.


5. Sundial slide:  Think of standing on a sundial facing 12. The feet start together naturally, right crosses over left and steps toward 10:30 but the body stays parallel to the original line, the left steps towards 10:30, right steps towards 10:30; feet pivot as body and toes face 10:30. Feet slide right-left-right to the original starting point. Mirror starting with left foot.

sundial slide

6. Scoop step:  The feet start together naturally.  The left foot scoops inward as it rubs up the inside of the right calf as  it side-steps left; the right foot slides over into original distance from left. Take as many steps as you like in this direction, then mirror.

7. Scoop & Spread:  The same footwork as 6., but this time the arms do the  same motion as "Spreading the Energy Body Laterally." (cross the wrists in front of the solar plexus, with fingers pointing up. Then, spread the hands as if you were unfolding a parchment scroll. When moving left, the left hand is on top, and vice versa.)

8. Juan Tuma's  Twist:  The feet start about six inches apart and perfectly  parallel. Pivot on the balls of the feet so that the heels point right.  Pivot the heels left-right-left, and lift the left heel off of the floor.  Mirror.

9. Heel dance:  Bend at the waist, keeping the stomach muscles tight to relieve stress on the lower back. The palms are flat but not overly tight as the fingers point at the floor. Stand on the heels of your feet and walk in place.

10. Step of power:  Stand naturally. Beginning with the left foot, run in place three steps, lift the knee as high as you can on the third step, pausing with the knee in the air. Do this again starting with the other foot, etc., alternating.

step of power

11. The Shaman's Dance with Death: Stand  naturally. The right foot steps behind the left, the left foot steps behind the right, the right foot lifts and smoothly falls back into its previous spot. The left foot takes an outward swinging step, so that the whole body is now facing the right. Restart: Right step back, left step back, right foot lifts, falls back, and the left foot swings out to the side. Restart...

dance with death

12. Rain Dance: This is the classic elementary school Injun dance step. The feet make sliding, shuffling steps of about 4-6 inches, never really leaving the floor."


And here's a data-dump of a text file with some more of Silvio Manuel's dance-flavored passes:  & Backup

Subject: sorcery passes from recent workshops

Date:    Sun, 28 Jan 1996 18:54:43 -0500



1. Stand in horse stance. Rapidly flick heels inwards, alternating sides.

2. Exaggerated walk forward, swinging feet out to sides, starting with the left foot. as the left foot moves forward, the right arm comes down  in front of the body with a jerk, as the palm turns quickly from facing the left side to face the right side, thumb down. The left arm moves with the right leg. To go backwards, do a braid walk, swinging the arms horizontally across the body at chest level, but this time it's the right arm with the right leg, etc.

3. Take a step forward with the left leg, then slide the right foot forward slightly;  take a step with the right foot, and slide the left forward, etc. To go backwards, take a step backwards with the left foot and slide the right foot, etc. Swing the shoulders.

4. Horse stance; scrape the inside of the left foot along the ground to the right and lift the foot up about a foot high; repeat with the right foot, etc. Do this rapidly. A variation is to place the feet at about a 45 degree angle and do the scraping and lifting at this angle.

5. Make pawing motion with the left foot 3 times; then with left foot behind the right, bend left leg, keeping the right leg straight, and the right foot flexed upward. You are supposed to flex the foot so that you feel the pull of the muscles on the front of the shin area (one of the 5 points). Repeat with the right leg. A variation is to do the pawing quickly and pause only slightly with the foot flexed upward.

6. This is a very exaggerated braid-weave combo step [as in Recalling Dispersed Energy] forward. The backward step is a normal backward braid.

7. The Paisley Step, because the pattern it forms on the floor looks like a paisley. Start with the weight on the left foot, and bring the right foot up, out to the right and then back along the left foot and then toe down behind and 90 degrees to the left foot. Then bring the right foot up again and along the left foot to the front of the body and out to the right side and back, toes down, to the same position behind the left foot. A variation is to pivot the moving foot at the end of each set so that you are facing 90 degrees from your previous position.

8. The T-square step. Starting with the feet parallel and pointing forward, step out with the left foot, and then bring the right foot out in front of the left foot, making a "T," with the right foot pointing toward the right. Then bring the left foot parallel and slightly ahead of the right foot, and continue making 90 degree T's, until you end up at your starting point. You can add the paisley step to this one as well.


and finally just for fun! (these were actually posted by readers of the original page :)

dance monkey dance

sneaking around the eagle


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